Testimonials for The Marketing Experts

Your Letter Generated Over $250,000 In 2 days!

“I want to once again thank you for your incredible writing skills on my sales letters. As you know the real estate speaking business is very competitive with agents being hit up almost daily with seminar information. My Last Real Estate Boot Camp generated 125 people who paid $2000 each to attend. I sent out 19,800 sales letter that cost $6900 to produce and $8300 to mail. The revenue generated from the Boot Camp was over $250,000 in 2 days.

Trevor your skills in writing are the best I've ever seen. We are planning our next Boot Camp and allowing 200 people to attend. We already have a waiting list from the last event, which we only allowed 125 people. Trevor keep up the great work, your skills were worth every dollar and more that I spent to have you produce these letters.”

Terry Paranych,
Re/Max real estate agent

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33 Orders After Mailing Out The First 1000 Letters

“Your sales letter is a money machine! Our home study course Apartment House Riches costs $599. Yet in spite of the high price, we got 33 orders after mailing out the first 1000 letters to Al Cowgill's list. Al sells a course on Private Money and I speak at his BC, so I guess you could call it a luke warm list -- though we did not use a lift letter from Al. It went out just as you packaged it.”

Dave Lindahl, President,
R.E. Mentor

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For every dollar spent... I receive a return of approximately seven dollars

“My Internet business would not have been such a tremendous success without the powerful copy you wrote...It seemed expensive at the time but it was worth every penny (and more)....For every dollar spent on advertising (pay per click search engines) I receive a return of approximately seven dollars....Currently I am averaging gross sales in the amount of 15K per month.....

As to my conversion rate of visitors to customers, I would have to say it is roughly one sale per 250 visitors (average sale $187).... The autoresponders are an integral part of the success of my website...I receive a tremendous amount of feedback, questions, and orders directly related to the autoresponders...50% of my sales are a direct result of the autoresponders...”

Larry Denis, President
The HR Corporation

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You're genius!

"You're genius! --Your sequence of online sales letters are so good, I want to buy my own service -- I wouldn't change a thing. I printed them all out and just spent the last 45 minutes reading and digesting all of the various offers and styles of presenting them to the readers. Simply fabulous!"

Tom Kulzer, President
Aweber Systems, Inc.

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Sales and Internet traffic increased over 400%

"World of Watches has been an Internet retailer since January of 1997. We did a major re-work of our web site in June, 1998. We contracted with The Marketing Experts to write all of the informational copy about the company... They did an excellent job in positioning our hard goods company. In the time period since our web site was changed, sales and Internet traffic increased over 400% from the prior year. The efforts of The Marketing Experts have been an important component in this increase."

Bob Lang, President
800-222-0077 or 612-424-2744

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More than 100% increase in new clients

"Utilizing our new E-Myth Advocate program you prepared for us, our request for Analysis has gone from average 22 in the previous three months to 47 last month alone. That's an average increase of 114% after utilizing the marketing pieces you prepared. Indications are that it should result in a corresponding more than 100% increase in new clients."
Kelly Schwedland, President
American Business Dynamics

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Of the first 100 sales letters mailed... we generated 16 paid orders

Just thought I'd drop you a note and let you know the kind of response I have been getting to the sales letter you wrote to help me sell my University of Real Estate Letter...

Being conservative... we began mailing 100 letters at a time to our house list. This list is comprised of inquiries and other product sales we have generated over the last 3 years. Some of these names are admittedly old... but... the response was tremendous!

Of the first 100 sales letters mailed... we generated 16 paid orders... with 11 letters coming back as undeliverable. This was within 10 days of mailing the letter. The response to each successive mailing has been at least this good, if not better. To say I am please with your marketing skills is an understatement.

I know these numbers are not large enough to qualify for a statistical sampling... but it appears to me that we are generating a 15-20% response... to a questionable house list. I'll take that all day long.

Trevor, thank you for all the help you have provided me. Your marketing expertise has made a big difference in my information business. Plus... you professionalism made working with you a very refreshing experience. You can expect to have me as a repeat customer for years to come.

Scott Britton, Publisher
"Real Estate Secrets The Experts Don't Want You To Know About"

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We've been generating $10,000 to $15,000 more per week

The power of repetitive letters to the same customer is staggering. Since hiring The Marketing Experts to write a sequence of follow-up messages to our Web site visitors, we've been generating $10,000 to $15,000 more per week. And believe me, it wasn't always like this.

For three years, we made our pitch the "old way." When a prospect called, we'd have a two minute phone conversation. If we sold them, great. If not, that was it.

If you were in my shoes (knowing what you and I both know now), you'd be numb when you realized how many sales had slipped through your fingers... Sales that you could've closed, if only you'd known about the power of repetitive letters. Don't make the same mistake I did.

Today, thanks to the follow-up messages we received from The Marketing Experts, and the Aweber auto-responder system, I'm building a relationship with my prospects in a way that I never could on a two minute phone call. By the time they've heard from me six or seven times, they feel as if they know me, and that's often when they call back.

I don't know what you sell, but as you think about the profit you'd make on just one extra order, imagine the profits you'll make on several hundred extra orders each month. Or several thousand.

Compared to a return like that, a sequence of motivating follow-up messages is one of the best investments you could make in your business.

Bill Steiger, Foreclosure World

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We now get double the response

Trevor Levine, President of The Marketing Experts, is one of the hottest young copywriters I know. And what gets me is, he still charges less than what other copywriters charge -- for work that's as good or better!

I've been in direct response for over 15 years, and I can't name more than three or four other copywriters who share Levine's natural gift for writing money-making sales copy. (And the others are all more expensive.)

I'm talking about copy that absolutely grabs your prospects and makes them salivate over whatever you're selling, to the point where they're glued to your offer... Copy that makes them so afraid of "losing out," that they literally cannot put your ad or sales letter down -- or leave your web site -- until they respond or buy from you.

For our Online Marketing Power Pack, we had a sales letter that pulled well for three years, but started to lose it's punch. After Levine made several changes and added a different headline, VOILA! We now get double the response before his revisions!

Though I no longer market the Power Pack actively (the revised sales letter just sits on my web site - at www.cyberwave/power.html), visitors who just happen to click to that web page won't stop stuffing my bank account with their checks for $297.

Since Levine's work on my sales letter, I've referred a few dozen of my own subscribers to him. I've gotten lots of good feedback, and I know that several of them have become repeat clients of his.

Jonathan Mizel, Publisher
The Online Marketing Newsletter

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Your comments were among the best I received

"BIG THANK YOU for your help on my new, one-on-one copywriting training program sales letter. Your comments were among the best I received... It's becoming more and more obvious to me as I get to know you what great copywriters you really are. (Also) I'm very impressed with the first draft of Scott Britton's stuff,,, You're awesome!"

Brian Keith Voiles
Author of "Ad Magic"
Brian Keith Publishing

80%... are signing up to buy $120 of product per month

"What really impresses us about your sales letter isn't the response rate of 1.2 - 1.8% from a cold list. Rather, it's how extremely qualified the prospects are when they call us: 80% of them are signing up to buy $120 of product per month. Thanks to your letter, we generated gross sales of $159,360 in 1997, up from $2,130 during the last ten weeks of 1996."

Russell Roesner, President
Solvent Marketing Solutions

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Couldn't handle the response!

"The letter went well, so well in fact, that I left the company (my partner couldn't handle the response!). I'll stay in touch and contact you if you can be of assistance in my next venture."

Sheilah Rosen

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From now on... I know who to call

"I re-read your copy for the response letter... Excellent is the best way I know how to describe it... From now on, when I need a sales letter for a client, I know who to call."

Dusty Young, President
Dustiny Direct Web Marketing

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Our response... has jumped from about 80 students... to an average of 115

"Using a shortened version of the sales letter you wrote for us, our response to a mailing of 2,000 pieces has jumped from about 80 students (before we hired you) to an average of 115 students. That's a 43.75% increase! Thanks again."

Maria Garcia

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“Since hiring you to punch up my sales letter for “Mining Gold On The Internet”, my overall conversion rate has increased by 22% -- not a bad return for the $3,840 I paid you. Now this one web site generates more than $1,000,000 in annual revenue.


My traffic sources vary, and include affiliates, joint ventures, targeted newsletter solo ads, banners, popups, and non-targeted email blasts to opt-in lists (not spam). Depending on the source of traffic, the revised letter is converting 0.5% to 7% of my visitors into customers.”

Shawn Casey,
President Success Management Corp.

Contact Us Today... If you would like a free estimate for your current project, or have any questions at all. We sincerely look forward to hearing from you.


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